Do you think wearing Taweez allowed in Islam? Is it Shirk to wera Taweez in Islam? What is the reason for Taweez worn in Islam? Does it have any significance to wearing Taweez in islam? What’s the meaning of Black Magic in Islam? And you may have may similar questions regarding Taweez (Amulet)
We bring you detail details about Taweez of the Quran as well as the Hadiths. We also bring you videos that use Audio to better explain the concept by Mufti Shahid Barkati
What exactly is Taweez?
The definition of Ta’weez is basically “a Du’a written down,” that comes drawn from the Qur’an or Ahadith and is intended for those who are unable to read or has not memorized this particular Du’a. The Du’a has been written onto a sheet of paper and is placed by the neck.
The Ahle Sunnah believe, to wear a Taweez around the neck is allowed when the du’a in it is derived out in Qur’an or Ahadith. Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bring him peace and blessings and grants peace] used to read du’a before blowing on the person who was sick. The companions of the Prophet (may Allah blessings him, and bring Him peace] did the same and they recorded the du’a on an article of paper and then placed it around the neck of the person if they could not comprehend it. Of sure, the du’as in the Qur’an and Ahadith can cure those who are sick. Some people say, wearing a Taweez you are commiting shirk. But we can prove, with the aid of Allah Almighty, that it is legal to wear the Taweez.
Proof of Taweez from Quran
The Qur’an has the potential of healing
Allah Almighty affirms in the Qur’an
“…We transmit in Qur’an what is salvation and a mercy to believers …”
(Surah the Bani Israeel Verses 82).
Qadi Shawkani wrote that when the Qur’an’s Du’as are recited , and then blown out on the sick, they will be cured. If those who are not believers recite the Qur’an, their blasphemic disease will be treated. (Tafsir Fathul Qadir under Verse 82 Surah Bani Israeel).
Evidence of wearing the Taweez
1.) Hafidhh ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani wrote:
Amr Ibn’Shu’aib RadhiAllahu’ affirms that ‘RasoolAllah’ (Sallallahu alaihi wa salam) taught my Father and Grandfather a Du’a that we read prior to going into sleep, to guard us from fear and anguish. We would instruct our children to read this Du’a prior to going to bed. For those who were still not literate We would write it down and then wear it on their necks.
[Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal vol.2, Abu Dawud in Chapter of Medicine, Tafsir by Hafidhh Ibn Kathir of verse 97 from Surah Al-Mu’minoon and Qadi Shawkaani in Fath-ul-Qadeer under the same verse[Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal vol.2, Abu Dawu
It is permissible to read du’a and blow on the sick
2.) Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim writes:
If someone was sick or in distress they would go to the Prophet (may Allah be with him, and give him peace] who would then put his hand on the area of the pain and recite the du’a, and then blow his hand on the person.
(Bukhari, Muslim chap on Tibb).
3) Imam Muslim writes:
The Prophet (may Allah be blessed and give Him peace] fell sick for his last illness, the angel Jibreel [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] appeared and said du’a and gave a blow to the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant Him peaceand peace. (Muslim chapter on Tibb)
4) Imam Muslim writes:
Aisha (Radiall Hu anhua) claimed that when the Prophet (may Allah bring him peace and blessings and grants him peace] was ill the last time, she was able to recite Surah Al-Falaq as well as Surah Al-Naas. Then she handed over the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant him peace]’s hands. After that, the Prophet blew onto his own body and face, as his hands were blessed than those of Aisha (Radiall hu anha).
(Muslim chap on Tibb)
From the above narrations, it’s clear that blowing after reading du’as on the sick is Sunnah And the more religious an individual is, the greater healing powers he can have because he is blessed more than the less pious.
5.) Hafidhh ibn Taymiyyah writes:
It is permitted to say du’as andblow on sick people in Islam However, the words have to be taken from the Qur’an or Ahadith. If the words do not match, then it is not permissible.
(Al-Tawasul chapter on Blowing into the sick by Hafidh Ibn Taymiyyah[Al-Tawasul chapter on Blowing onto the Sick by Haf
FAQS of wearing Taweez
Q) Some people say, “How is it allowed to blow dua’s into the sick when some Hadith state that this is forbidden?”
Allama Sa’idi wrote the answer to this question in comprehensive detail . He’s also included his views on all other scholars of the world and we’ll present the information here.
Allama Gulam Rasool Sa’idi writes:
Imam Nawawi Rahmatullah’s Sharh Muslim says: “There are two different Ahadith in relation to blowing. (Reciting Du’a, and then blowing onto a person.) One form is portrayed in Bukhari that ‘There will be those who get into Paradise without questioning, who have never been blown upon’. In the Imam Muslim Rahmatullah is also composed a hadith for those who do not ask to be blown over. Imam Bukhari Rahmatullah in the section about Tibb (Medicine) is said to have written Du’as that Our Prophet (May Allah bless His peace and grant him peace] recited while performing “Damm” (Reciting a Du’a before blowing onto a person). Imam Muslim Rahmatullah states in the Chapter on the Virtues of Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless His name and grant him peace] that: when our Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] fell ill, the Angel Jibreel appeared to him and performed the blowing. The two types of Ahadith above appear to contradict one however in reality there is no contradiction.
The former type of Hadith is a reference to the prohibition of having read something that isn’t a part of the Qur’an and Sunnah [that is, it contains diagrams, pictures or words that are not found in the Qur’an] and then blow onto the person. The other types of Ahadith which permit Damm are referring to Kalimaat (words or passages) that were learned by Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peaceto grant him peace]. As mentioned previously mentioned, there are two kinds of Ahadith regarding Ta’weez. There are numerous stories that prohibit the use Ta’weez, but also some that allow their use. The Imam Qurtubi Rahmatullah wrote in detail about the two types of Ahadith regarding Ta’weez. most forbidden Ta’weez are those Ta’weez from the time of ignorance. They are Satanic and contain some ingredient from Shirk’. (Mantar, Voodoo and Magic etc.) The Ta’weez, which allowable are those composed of Du’as, which are derived from Qur’an and Ahadith only. Here are the narrations, showing that it’s permitted for a person to put a Ta’weez around his or her neck.
Allama Alusi Hanafi in his Tafsir from the Qur’an writes: According to the imam Malik Rahmatullah ‘It is permitted to wrap around your neck the Ta’weez that is written with”the name” of Allah? Imam Baqir has also said that it is acceptable to wear a T’weez around the neck of children. (Rooh-ul-Ma’ani chapter 15″ under verse 97 of Surah Mu’minoon].
Allama Shami Hanafi Rahmatullah writes:
It is permitted to make a Ta’weez and then put it on the neck. He further adds that it is best if a person recites the Du’as as taught by Allah’s Messenger (Sallallahu’ alaihi wa sallam.) However, if someone is unable to be read, or too small to read, then it is allowed for that person to put it on the neck
[Rud-ul-Mukhtar chapter Qirat, Sharah Sahih Muslim chapter on Tib by Allama Sa’idi].
In conclusion, it is said that those verses that contradict those of the Qur’an, Shari’ah, or the Sunnah are forbidden to read and also forbidden to wrap around necks. In the case of the Du’as and verses from the Qur’an and Sunnah it is permitted to be written and put on one’s neck tiny child, an unliterate or a sick person.