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10 Top Gardening Tips for Beginners

Are you new to gardening? Explore our guide of tricks and tricks to get going, sowing, planting and creating habitats for wildlife.

Gardening can be fun and rewarding. What’s more satisfying than eating food you’ve grown by yourself, or enjoying your evening meal on your patio, in the midst of the aroma of plants that you’ve planted? It’s difficult to decide when and when to begin a garden however, we’re here to help you with the steps.

Browse our 10 beginner gardening tips, below.

Take a look around your garden

Before beginning your garden, it’s best to familiarize yourself with the garden you have chosen. Consider the orientation which is north-facing or south-facing? Knowing the angle at which the sun hits the ground can help you determine what you can plant where. It’s also important to determine the type of soil you’re in. Look at the plants that are blooming – magnolias, camellias and pieris will show that the soil is acidic and absence of these indicates that the soil is more alkaline. Conducting a soil test can aid in determining the condition of the soil you’re in, and the plants you can plant.

Plan your garden

Making a plan for your garden is an excellent start. This will allow you to figure out the best places to plant instead of rushing off to the garden centre and getting a pile of plants that don’t work together and may not be suitable for the conditions of your garden. Planning can also allow you to make use of colour and layout in a smart way, which will allow you to make your garden look beautiful all through the all year.

Learn to plant

Properly planting your plants will ensure they will grow properly and last for an extended period of time. Be sure to clean as well as prepare your soil prior to planting. You can also add fertiliser or mulch if needed. If you’re not sure on what to plant take a look on the internet for helpful tips instead of merely waiting for the best. If you plant too deeply, the tree won’t thrive, and roots that rest on the soil’s surface will quickly dry out which can lead to the eventual end for the tree.

Water and feed plants are regularly inspected.

Understanding when and how to water your plants is the main difference between alive and dead. It is a good rule of thumb to you should water the root ball more than the leaves as the roots are the ones that soak up the water. Soaking the rootball each week is more effective than watering it only a small amount every day. It is also essential to feed it generally, you should feed every fortnight during the growing season (that’s the spring and summer) However, you might require more feeding if you are growing in containers.

Start with a small amount

If you’re starting a new veg patch or allotment it may be tempting to go all at once. It’s better to work on only a tiny amount at each step. It is easy to cover areas that you don’t want cultivate using black or cardboard plastic to prevent weeds from expanding, while you work in a different part of the zone.

Be aware of pests.

Most garden pests aren’t doing any harm to plants and are able to be left in peace There are plenty of natural predators to keep them under control. But, occasionally, pest populations may become an issue and you must take action. Be on the lookout for the increasing number of pests, such as snails, slugs, or aphids can help protect your plants and spare your heart from suffering.

Use compost

Composting garden and kitchen waste is beneficial for wildlife, the environment as well as your wallet and your garden. Let the waste decompose over the course of a year, and then use it for mulch to cover the plant’s base in your garden as well as your vegetable patch.

Don’t be afraid of pruning

Pruning plants could be an intimidating task however, if you know how to perform the task correctly, you’ll end up with plants that look nice and flourish, and they’re more likely to bloom and fruit more effectively as well. The most important thing to do when pruning is knowing the right time to prune and to follow the instructions in how to make cuts and make the plant look more attractive.

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Be gentle with animals

A lot of people who are new to gardening view wildlife as an adversaries – bugs and their larvae rot plants, birds consume our fruits, and mice eat our beans and pea seeds. However, wildlife can be beneficial for the garden, too. Birds consume a variety of garden pests like snails and slugs, caterpillars and aphids. Bees pollinate our food crops. The garden wouldn’t be as relaxing without wildlife ranging from frogs to Toads to hedgehogs, bees, butterflies , and birds. The creation of habitats for them and learning how to be a part of your garden is essential to enjoying your garden.

Don’t forget to relax in your garden. Take the time to relax and take in all the benefits of your labor. Set up a place in which you can sit and read or have a meal with loved ones. Plant borders that you can admire from your window and also place bird feeders in a spot where you can enjoy their playful antics.