Looking you can sell your vehicle swiftly without hassle? At Best Car Buyer, you can sell your car for cash and receive an amazing price from our vast database of verified dealerships, but there’s always a few points to be considered before jumping into selling your car…
Find out about the Best Car Buyer’s essential tips techniques, tips and tricks revised for the year 2023. Below are 10 of our most popular tricks to help you get the fastest car sale and the highest price.
1. Knowing the value of your car
We have all loved our cars, and a lot of us think we have a car that is unique. But the truth is that the car’s value is set by the car market and are a commodity similar to other things.
The value of your particular car is affected by things like mileage, age (the most accurate indicator of wear and wear) condition, and service history . However, market prices are the primary impact.
What is your car actually worth? It’s worth trying a few different options to be sure
2. What is the best way to appraise your car
To get an idea of your car’s value is easier and quicker than ever. To get an estimate from a professional dealer, we suggest valuing your car on Best Car Buyer, to determine an estimated price to sell your car through our vast network of verified dealers.
If you want to dive deeper, Auto Trader and eBay are also useful for private sale price indications and WeBuyAnyCar and their alternatives to immediate valuations of purchases.
Be aware that your value will vary greatly based on who is buying it and why.
Best Car Buyer valuations are based upon activity in our national used car marketplace.
3. Decide what is important to you
Find out how much you care about speed, convenience and the final selling price.
If you have the resources in the world to fetch the most price you can or sell your product privately on an auction or classified site (such like eBay) might be the most efficient option. However, you must wait for a favorable offer to appear and you might need to present the vehicle to a variety of potential buyers, and with no assurance of success.
Best Car Buyer meanwhile works through a network of vetted dealers to assist you in finding the best price from a professional buyer. It’s simple, quick and you’ll get a lot more cash than part exchange.
If you’re just looking to sell your car quickly and you’re willing to sacrifice a bit on the price in order to avoid the hassle, then select an instant car buying site , or even exchange it for a car at a dealer. It’s all about considering your choices.
4. Pick your selling route wisely
If you’re selling privately, you might get the upper end of what you’re looking for however, there’s no guarantee of a sale happening. There’s also the issue of dealing with buyers coming to your house and the ongoing bartering process and the administrative burden that this might result in.
Best Car Buyer negates all the need to have private individuals on your doorstep and connects you with the dealer willing to pay the highest amount. It’s fast and simple.
On an online car purchase website, if your vehicle is accurately described you can be assured of sales and cash can be transferred to your bank account within 24 hours when you schedule the sale to the next day.
5. Find car sales deals on the internet
If you choose that you want to offer your car online Make sure you’re aware and weigh your options before making an investment.
While there are a number of huge instant online buyers such as WeBuyAnyCar along with The Car Buying Group – there are a lot of distinctions between these platforms. It’s worth doing some research and comparing them all in comparison to selling through Best Car Buyer, part exchanging and selling privately.
6. Prepare your motor
Check that your vehicle is in the best condition possible to avoid potential buyers making a move in the last second. It’s important to have your car washed and cleaned inside and out on the day of your sale and fix any minor issues (e.g. the correction of small scratches and dents).
7. Be prepared to negotiate if needed
You must meet your prospective buyer armed with the research about what your car is worth. This may not work every time but don’t be afraid to challenge the buyer attempts to lower the price after they have inspected the vehicle. This should never happen if you sell your car with Best Car Buyer, but some online buyers may look to reduce your offer on the day of the sale.
Remember, there is no end to the story until you have money for your vehicle is in your bank account and the car is transferred to a buyer.
8. Never accept cheques, bankers drafts or IOUs
Do not give away your keys until you’ve been paid for your car. That goes for private buyers (who may try to pay using a cheque or even promise to transfer the funds later), and car dealers or car buyers.
Anyone who is reputable will know the need to pay in advance before they own the car – either by BACS/ bank transfer and cash at collection when selling privately. If they are unable to digitally confirm that the funds have been transferred, then they should always be able to give you proof that the transfer was successfully completed in the form of a receipt or statement of transaction. Always ask for this if they aren’t able to provide it.
9. Checklist to sell your car
It’s crucial to have crucial items to be able to complete an auto sale without losing any value because of documents and keys that are not in order.
Make sure you locate all you car keys (including any spares) and your V5 certificate (you’ll have to sign the “new owner” part) as well as your MOT service history and service. If you’re missing any one of these, a buyer will have a strong argument to lower the price they offer.
10. You will receive your money back following the sale
Also, before returning the remainder on the V5 form to the DVLA Be sure to change your car insurance, and reclaim your road tax.
A lot of people don’t realize that they can claim back any road tax for the remainder of the year after having closed on your motor.